About Us
Indian Institute of Alternative Medicine not only simple word but it carries a deep meaning. It can be also called as the substitutes of medicines use in allopathy treatment.
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Our Courses
We provide a wide range of courses categoriezed as Diploma Courses, Degree Courses, Post Graduate Courses, Paramedical Courses, Registration R.M.P. and Doctorate Research Based Programs.
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Its gives me immens joy in welcoming you to the ever expanding fraternity of the Institute of Alternative Medicines Kolkata, situated at the prime location of Thakurpukur, Kolkata. IAMK has a well-regulated distance learning programme with ultra modern facilities for the study, research and practice of the verious branches of Alternative Medicines.
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Online Payment
Indian Institute of Alternative Medicine provides a way to their students to pay online for their fees. There is an option for payment that can be done by scanning the UPI QR code. For this you can visit to payments page.
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Online Application
Students can apply online to various courses of Indian Institute of Alternative Medicine, they have to provide their basic details along course they are looking for. This can be done by submitting online application form.
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News and Events
- 13-02-2019 Due to some technical and physical issues in Arunachal Pradesh our verification and postal address changed. Our new address is following: Indian Institute of Alternative Medicine, C/O: University Helpdesk, Hospital Road, Moina Mia Lane, Silchar, Chachar, Assam - 788001. Mob. No.:9658700060
- 03-07-2021 कोरोना वायरस कोविड 19 के कारण RMP (Registered Medical Practitioner) जिनकी शुल्क रु० 18200/- है उसे कटौती कर मात्र रु० 15000/- हो गयी है। नए एडमिशन अगले आदेश तक शुल्क मात्र रु० 15000/- में लिए जाएंगे।
- 05-05-2020 कोरोना वायरस कोविड 19 के प्रभाव के कारण कार्यालय अगले आदेश तक बंद कर दिए गए हैं समस्त कार्य ,सत्यापन ,नए एडमिशन ऑनलाइन माध्यम से लिए जायंगे